Saturday, November 23, 2013

Repair my shingle roof to avoid wind damage

Repair my shingle roof
Facing the long winter
When it is time to repair my shingle roof after a severe windstorm, the only option is to depend on the best of the Charlotte roofing companies. The average roofing shingle, when installed properly, has a wind resistance of around 60 miles per hour. If you have installed specialty shingles that are wind resistant, you can expect the resistance to be rated to withstand gales that can reach 130 mph. Wind resistant shingles are higher quality shingles and are held in place by a much more aggressive adhesive and the number of nails used to hold them down. Special wind resistant shingles require six nails per while the standard service shingles are held in place with four nails.

Common Causes of Shingle Damage
Improper nailing of roofing shingles is the most common cause of shingle damage during high winds. If workmen are insufficiently trained, or if they are careless; shingles will be nailed above the sealing strips. Failure can also occur if the nails are driven in too far. Many contractors depend on pneumatic nail guns, and the compressor can be set too high. In such cases, the nail head can cut through the shingle and leave the shingle insufficiently attached to the roof.

A reliable Charlotte roofing company

When it is time to replace shingles on your roof, you want a reliable contractor who does not cut corners. Look for a local company that has been certified by major manufacturers to sell and install their products. If you are looking for a premier roofing company in Charlotte, NC, consider Advanced Roofing and Exteriors. They are a local, family owned business that has served the region for over twenty years. Call them today and ask for an “estimate to repair my shingle roof.”