Sunday, February 23, 2014

The need to repair my roof shingles in the spring

Repair my roof shingles
Are your roof shingles holding this winter?
This crazy winter season has me wondering if I will need to repair my roof shingles this spring. In colder climates when snow and ice can sit on a roof for days or weeks, roof damage can occur easily. Even a few inches of snow places extra weight on the roofing structure. Too much weight can cause your roof to sag, which can lead to leaking or worse. Snow tends to remain longest in between shingles and places where melting moisture can break down the shingles, or inhibit water from running off the roof and into the gutters. Check around chimneys and skylights; and take a walk through the attic, looking for moisture seepage or water trails on support trusses.

Ice buildup
When the temperatures climb above freezing during the day and dip below freezing at night; the heavy ice on the roof will melt and re-freeze, causing ice dams that will prevent melting snow and water from draining down the gutters. This is another common cause of shingle damage and leaks. Call a reputable roofing contractor to assess and break up the ice dams. If you are aware of a pending snow or ice storm on the way, applying some type of ice melt can help. You may want to consider having the attic properly insulated and vented to keep heat from escaping your home through the roof and avoiding conditions where ice damming occurs.

A reliable Charlotte roofing company for shingle repair

Homes and roofs in Charlotte, NC endure unique weather conditions, especially during the winter. It is important to call on the best contractors even before you detect problems. Advanced Roofing and Exteriors is a local family owned roofing company. They are licensed, insured and have been serving the residents of Charlotte and the surrounding areas for many years. Advanced Roofing and Exteriors specializes in residential roofing and installation, repair, and inspections. Call them today and ask for a free estimate before you repair your roof shingles.