Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to choose the residential roofer Charlotte residents love

Residential roofer in Charlotte, NC
Important factors to finding a residential roofer Charlotte homeowners can trust

It is important to have your roof inspected annually so you can stay on top of its condition and recognize signs that your roof is in need of replacement.  When the time to replace your roof arrives, consider what type of roof is best for your home, climate and neighborhood. 

Finding visible roof damage

Go outside and look for evidence of missing or damaged shingles, accumulation of sand granules in the gutters, wear around the vents, chimneys and pipes, and any mold or rot.   From the inside of your home, take a flashlight and inspect your attic or crawl space.  If you find any of these issues, call Advanced Roofing and Exteriors.  They can determine the extent of any damage to your Charlotte or Concord NC home and provide recommendations on either repairing or replacing the roof.

How to choose a new roof

It may be that you are not replacing a damaged roof, but instead want to renovate in a new style or color.  You may also find yourself considering roof replacement as a means of reducing energy costs.  When you are renovating, you may want to change to a new color or roofing material to better fit in with your neighborhood or house style.  If you are hoping to reduce energy costs, consider new roofing materials which better retain heat in winter and repel it in summer. 

If you believe you may be in need of a roof replacement, conduct this simple inspection inside and out and then call the residential roofer Charlotte homeowners are raving about, Advanced Roofing and Exteriors for an expert opinion.